Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm back, but am I really here?

It has been eons since I last wrote a blog post.

Okay, maybe not eons, I don't even know how long an eon is, but it has been half a year. Hard to believe, that half a year has passed. When I was a child half a year seemed like an eternity, and now it passes by in the blink of an eye. It's not as if the past six months have been filled with excitement and activity. One month was - it contained our wedding and European honeymoon. The rest was filled with the mundane stuff of life as an unemployed woman: workouts, putting off workouts, applying to jobs, being excited about job interviews, being disappointed when jobs fall through, reading, tv viewing, chocolate eating, sanity questioning and napping.

I first started this blog as a lead into the 'novel' I was planning on releasing. I quickly grew very discouraged with that, realized I am an average writer at best, and that my only feasible option was to self publish. If I did, sure some family and friends would fulfill their obligation to read and buy my work, but why put one more obligation on them in a life full of obligations? Wouldn't that be somewhat selfish of me? Or perhaps I'm making excuses for my lazy self who got so off track from her goal.

Whatever the cause, my manuscript is currently in the back of my closet. Maybe I"ll go back to it sometime, maybe I won't. The fact is I'm not an incredibly driven person. My largest ambition is to be happy and that is my focus right now. To get out of this unemployment rut I'm in, and get back to feeling useful and productive in my everyday life. I'm happy with my husband, I'm happy with my home, and I'm happy with certain aspects of everyday life, but I am not happy with my job (or lack thereof). So off to the job boards I go, hopefully I'll blog again before six more months pass.

I love to hear your thoughts and engage in discussion. If the comment box is not already displayed please click on the link which indicates the number of comments and let your voice be heard!


  1. Welcome back! This is another great blog. I hope you know - and believe - how encouraging you are. Even in your down times, your discouragement, you have something to offer. A sense that we're allowed to be human. Sometimes I wrestle with my own ridiculous self. I feel like I'm working hard and getting nowhere fast. I'm spinning my wheels. I say, "if only I could lose those stupid ugly pounds" or "if only I could sell one stupid thing". And I ask myself, "do you really want to, are you really trying and making the effort?". Slowly but surely I'm learning that I can take a break from it, without beating myself up for the failure. It's not failure - it's a 'regrouping' of my ideas, a rest from the wrestle, and then a frest start when I'm ready. So it's like 3 steps forward, one step back. Life is a journey, one long school session of learning, failing, learning some more. Don't be a stranger, girl! We need a blog we can relate to. : )

  2. Awww,thank you! I sincerely believe I am the exact opposite of encouraging, so it's nice to hear a different opinion!

    I'm gonna try to get on here weekly, more for me than for anything else, writing can be so therapeutic. So I won't be a stranger I guess :)

  3. As an inspiring and jobless writer I can relate to your story. Every writer goes through that. I've sent out my MS to 100 literary agents and slowly but surely over the last 6 months I've been turned down. Two of the agents gave me amazing critics so I've revised my MS and in another six months when I feel it's ready I'll set out again. Self doubt is important it's what makes us strive to be better, sure right now you're going through a hard time but I think you'll pick yourself up and start again. Feel free to stop by Paving Spoke Words to view a few rejection letters and my bounce back.

  4. Wow thanks Jordan! It's great to connect with people going through the same stuff!

  5. Good luck on the job hunt!

  6. No offense, but it sounds like you are scared and giving up. It is extremely easy to publish e-books these days, especially on Kindle. Do not give up! Continue editing and just do it! Perhaps it would be easier to take it piece by piece (ie about 8,000+ words), and publish your novel that way - it might not be as overwhelming. I am in the process of getting published myself, so we can show support for each other, too! Do NOT give up so easily, Jenny. Especially now that you have so much leisure time (being unemployed and all).



Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you have a wonderful day.